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Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Huge Web Design Trends for 2014 (2)

What Can We Expect to See in 2014?

1. Flat Design

We’ve already seen this pick up in 2013, but we can definitely expect it to gain more steam over the following year as people become more and more accustomed to Windows 8 and its interface and as more and more people run into it in their daily web browsing. So be sure you’re on top of this one: flat websites are where it’s at and you need to be at the forefront of that movement.

 2. Interactive Infographics

We’ve seen infographics explode into a huge internet presence in 2013. In 2014, the next big thing will be the interactive infographic. That is to say, infographic viewers will start to have higher and higher standards for their design and their content. Not only will they have to be informative, but interactivity that will help the user get the most information possible out of them will be all the rage. So get cracking and start working on your interactive infographic models. Be one of the first to jump on this train and watch your notoriety grow!

 3. Parallax Scrolling

If in 2013 we saw infinite scrolling as the hip design option, 2014 will bring with it a new, more story-oriented scrolling method. That is, of course, parallax scrolling. Why? Well, it’s a great way to dynamically present content while engaging the user. It really brings a website to life and, if you’re unsure on how to get this effect yet, you should definitely learn before the end of the year!

 4. Video Backgrounds

This is the spiritual successor of the large photo background trend we’ve seen in 2013. While we can expect large photo backgrounds to continue catching steam, the next big thing is definitely the video background, giving desktop and mobile users alike a feel that smartphone and tablet users have had ever since the introduction of the live wallpaper.

 5. Mobile First Layouts

This is a consequence of RWD. Since mobile browsing is the big thing these days, more and more websites will be designed with the mobile user in mind. The good news is that this works well with the general minimalist trend we’ve had over the past few years. Large buttons are in. Menus are out. So we can expect to see more and more websites that are rather designed for touching, swiping, mobile gestures and less for a mouse and cursor interaction model That sums up our list of the largest web design trends we’ve seen in 2013 and those we can expect to see in 2014.

 What are your predictions? Please let us know in the comments section below!


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →